Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008
Kamis, 24 Juli 2008
Fishing hook
Fish Hooks are one of the most important pieces of equipment in Fishing. This is for the reason that the essence of Fishing boils down to the ability of hooking up a fish and successfully catching it. Therefore, you must not take Fish Hooks for granted. Fish Hooks come in many forms, sizes, and applications. Having enough knowledge of these factors and their advantages and disadvantages will help you in using Fish Hooks effectively. In this section, we will look at the Fish Hook Characteristics, tips on maintenance and application of Fish Hooks, and how to choose the appropriate Fish Hooks.
Fish Hooks – Characteristics
A Fish Hook has different fundamental parts. The eye is where the Fishing Line is attached. The sharp part of the Fish Hook pointing upward is called the point, and the little, sharp protrusion immediately below the point is termed as barb. This makes the Fish Hook to remain embedded in the fish. The gap is the distance from the point of the hook to the shank, or the straight part of the hook. If the Fish Hook is in upright position, the bend corresponds to its bottom part and the distance from the gap to the bend is called the throat.
Even Fish Hooks come in various forms, sizes, and applications. As always, it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of different Fish Hooks. There are numerous variations in Fish Hooks alone and it will be a great relief on your part if you can narrow down your selection of the appropriate one. All Fish Hooks have three basic characteristics - Fish Hook Sizes, Fish Hook Weights, and Fish Hook Styles.
Fish Hook Sizes
You will be able to know the Fish Hook size via the number designated to the hook. The Fish Hook size is determined by the hook's gap and the shank. Just be guided by this rule- a higher number corresponds to a smaller hook. Be reminded, though, that this way of designating numbers differs among the manufacturers. A Fish Hook can also either be long-shanked or short-shanked. This is represented by a number and a letter X. The number tells you how many sizes longer or shorter the shank is for the Fish Hook size. When it is a 2X Long hook, it only means that it has the same shank length as the Fish Hook that is two sizes larger. In choosing the correct Fish Hook size, consider the type of Fishing Bait you are using as well as the fish you want to catch. If you are after a bigger fish, it follows that you also need a larger Fish Hook. But do not purchase a hook that is way too big for your bait. It might frighten the fish away.
Fish Hook Weights
Like the hook size, a number followed by an X assigns the hook weight. For example, a 2X Fine hook means that the hook is similar in diameter to a hook that is smaller by one size. It can be fine wire or heavy wire. A fine-wire hook can go through the fish's mouth with ease. On the other hand, a heavy-wire hook can cling better to the fish, and it does not turn crooked as easily as a fine-wire hook.
Fish Hook Styles
Styles of the hooks vary, depending on the kind of features it has. For instance, the eye of the fish hook can be turned up, or turned down. Likewise, Fish Hooks can also be weedless, double hooks, or treble hooks.
The eye is turned up when it is inclined away from the hook's point. A hook with this kind of eye is believed to give more space between the shank and the point. This applies well to hooks which are relatively small.
If the hook eye is inclined toward the point, that hook has a turned down eye. This makes easy penetration possible due to the better angle formed from the hook's point to your Fishing Line.
Another style of a Fish Hook is the weedless hook. It has one or more thin wires attached from the hook eye to the point. But these wires are flexible in such a way that they will curve inward once a fish hits the fish hook. The weedless hook is called as such because it prevents the weeds from hitching on the fish hook.
If your fish hook has two points, then it is called a double hook. This hook will be very handy especially if you decide to go fishing in saltwater.
When your hook has one eye and shank with three points, it is termed as treble hook.
Both the double and treble hooks provide a better chance of hooking up the fish. The downside can be the fact that these hooks will not fit to the mouths of smaller fish. Moreover, if you get lucky of catching a fish, getting the fish from the hook can be tough.
Determine these basic characteristics and choose the Fish Hooks which meet your requirements.
A Fish Hook is a very essential piece in your Fishing Tackle. As the name implies, its main function is to hook up the fish through its mouth or throat. With a purpose as vital as this, it follows that you must know how to use your Fish Hooks. Here are some points to consider:
- Maintain sharp Fish Hooks. Obviously, the sharper the point of the Fish Hook, the easier it is to be embedded in the fish's mouth. If the Fish Hook does not penetrate in the fish, there is a big chance that it can get away.
- Position the hook firmly. When you feel that the fish hit your bait or lure, haul up your Fishing Rod rapidly and try not to have limpness in the Fishing Line in order for the hook to penetrate deeply in the fish.
- Having a tight Fishing Line is necessary. Achieving a good hookset is not enough indication that you will be able to catch the fish. Most of the time, a fish can still get away from the hook by swimming in different directions. Make sure that you keep a tight Fishing Line to prevent the fish from breaking the hookset.
Make sure to pay attention to your Fish Hooks. They are very important in Fishing so do not take them for granted.
The world of Fish Hooks alone is so large and apparently there is no such thing as the perfect Fish Hook for Fishing. This is because a lot of factors are involved in choosing the appropriate one. You need to take a number of considerations and getting yourself familiar with the different Fish Hook Characteristics is probably the best method in narrowing down your selection.
The following are some pointers in purchasing Fish Hooks:
- Check what type of eye a Fish Hook has. Though there appears to be little to recommend one over the others, Fish Hooks with turned down eyes are the most suitable, while those with straight eyes are seldom used.
- Take into consideration the variety of sizes of the shanks of Fish Hooks. Long shanks are useful for Fishing Baits such as worms or prawns which are threaded onto the Fish Hooks, and they are generally easier to remove from the fish you have caught. On the other side, Fish Hooks with short shanks can be easily hidden in the Fishing Bait. They are normally used to most types of Bait Fishing.
- The thickness of Fish Hooks is also an important thing to consider. Sensibly enough, a thin Fish Hook will penetrate more easily to the fish compared to a thick Fish Hook.
- Make sure that the points of the Fishing Hooks are sharp. To check if the Fish Hook is sharp, lightly run the point across your thumbnail. If it leaves some trace or scratch, then your Fish Hook is sharp. Likewise, points need not to be thin and long. They can be short and smooth so the barb can quickly penetrate and hold easily.
Your purpose is to securely catch fish as quickly and with as little effort as possible. Therefore, see to it that the Fish Hooks meet your requirements before you pay for them.
As mentioned before, Fishing generally boils down to your capability to successfully catch the fish by securely hooking the fish on your Fish Hook. Thus, make sure that you have the suitable Fish Hooks whenever you go on your Fishing trip. Since there are a lot of different forms of Fish Hooks, get yourself familiar with their characteristics. Doing so will make the process of choosing the appropriate ones much easier.
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Diposting oleh Serena Fishing Club di 11.17 0 komentar
Fishing Leader
A Leader is made of heavy Fishing Line or wire which is tied to one end of the main Fishing Line on a Fishing Reel or Fishing Rod. Leaders are used to avoid breaking off of the Fishing Line when sharp-toothed fish bites into it. They are also useful when fishing with a heavy or braided Fishing Line because they provide a length of clear line that is visible to particular species in certain waters. There are variations in leaders: wire and monofilament leaders
Diposting oleh Serena Fishing Club di 11.17 0 komentar
Kamis, 17 Juli 2008
Target Fish
local Name :Kuwe Batu
Small juveniles associate with floating plants or debris in oceanic and
offshore water. juveniles from small schools or solitary.utilized fresh and frozen; eaten pan-fried, broled and baked.reported to couse ciguatera in some areas.
Family : Sphyraenidae
Local name : Barakuda
Notes : Inhabits coastal waters and offshore reefs; distinguished by large size, dark or dusky fins, diffuse dark bars on back, frequently with scattered dark blotches on side and truncate tail
Common name : Bluefin Trevally
Species : Caranx melampygus (Cuvier, 1833)
Local name : Kuwe Sirip Biru
Environment : reef-associated; brackish; marine ; depth range 0 - 190 m
Local Name : Lemadang
Notes : In habitat coastal seas, frequently near surface
Common name : Dogtooth Tuna
Species :Gymnosarda unicolor (Rüppell, 1836)
Local name : Tuna Gigi Anjing
Enivironment :reef-associated; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range 0 - 100 m
OTHER NAME: White Marlin (Japan), Silver Marlin (Hawaii
SPECIES: Makaira Indica
SIZE: Maximum weight about 2,000 pounds
WORLD RECORD: 1,560 pounds
GAME QUALITIES: Very strong and exceptionally fast fish which can test not only the angler and tackle but the entire crew. Can sprint along the surface, then run deep which often causes the line to break due to water pressure
OTHER NAME : Indo-Pacific Sailfish, Spindlebeak, Pez Vela
SPECIES : Istiophorus Platypterus (Indo-pacific Sailfish), Istiophorus Albicans (Altantic Sailfish)
SIZE : Maximum weight 260 pounds (Indo-Pacific Sailfish)
WORLD RECORD : 221 pounds (Indo-Pacific Sailfish),141 pounds (Altantic Sailfish)
GAME QUALITIES : Spectacular acrobat that can spend more time in the air than in the water when hooked. Exceptionally fast fish that generally does not fight deep. Prime gamefish for fly or light tackle.
Diposting oleh Serena Fishing Club di 23.51 0 komentar
Fishing Reel
Like any other Fishing equipment, Fishing Reels are very important in almost any Fishing escapade. A Fishing Reel is a frame like a spool which turns on an axis, for winding the Fishing Line. It is attached on the bottom part of the Fishing Rod. Fishing Reels keep the excess Fishing Line on the spool, release line during Casting, and take back the line at a handle's turn. In this section we will take a look at the different Fishing Reel Types and characteristics. We will also learn how to operate Fishing Reels.
Fishing Reels - TypesFishing Reels are classified into two types: conventional and fixed-spool reels. Conventional reels have spools that revolve, and are widely-used in saltwater Fishing. On the other hand, fixed-spool reels, as the name implies, have immobile spools.
Within these two classifications are three types of Fishing Reels: Baitcasting, Spinning, and Spincasting.
Spinning Reel
The most commonly-used Fishing Reel type nowadays is the Spinning Reel. It is a fixed-spool reel wherein the housing around the stationary spool which is parallel to the rod's axis, spins around it at a turn of the handle. Obviously, the use of a Spinning Reel will produce a Casting Technique called Spinning. Since the spool is fixed, there's no way you can have backlash. Spinning Reels are available from ultralight to medium heavy sizes. Unlike Baitcasting Reels, Spinning Reels are less sensitive and can be bulky considering the larger sizes and the heavy lure and bait attached.
Baitcasting Reel
Is a conventional one so small that it fits easily to the angler's hand while mounted on the Fishing Rod. This type of Fishing Reel is used for bigger freshwater fish and small saltwater fish. Using this type of Fishing Reel will create Baitcasting. A Baitcasting Reel is good for its sensitivity to movement at the Fishing Line's end. However, Baitcasting Reels are inaccessible in ultralight line sizes and "backlash" tangles during casting are possible. Likewise, learning how to cast with Baitcasting Reel is a relatively hard job.
Spincasting Reel
Could be seen as a combination of a conventional and a stationary reel. Spincasting Reels are very angler-friendly and are advisable for children and beginners because at a push of the button, they are already operating the reel. That's why Spincasting Reels are also named as pushbutton reels. But here's the catch: among the three types of reels, Spincasting Reels are the least sensitive as far as the movement at the end of the Fishing Line is concerned. Also, you cannot totally control the lure or the fish and poor Spincasting is a possibility.
Fishing Reels - Casting with the Right Fishing Reel
A Fishing Reel is comprised of a spool placed on a sort of housing and fits on the Fishing Rod. A handle or crank is also found in the reel that lets you adjust on the length of the Fishing Line you need while Fishing. Therefore, the Fishing Reel makes it possible for you to have control on the Fishing Line as well as the bait and lure on the water. Another feature is the release device which is common to all Fishing Reels. This tool allows the Fishing Line to liberally get out of the spool when the angler needs to cast.
Casting is greatly affected by both the Fishing Rod and the Type of Fishing Reel that you use. It is important to know the proper way of operating your Fishing Reel in order to make a good cast. Here are some pointers in making a cast with the right Fishing Reel:
Spincasting is the easiest to learn, though it lacks potential for casting accuracy. This is ideal for first timers since a Spincasting Reel is so easy to operate that at a single push of the button, you are ready for casting. Here are the steps:
- Hold the Fishing Rod with the Fishing Reel facing up. Place the Fishing Rod trigger (a small curved extension found just underneath the Fishing Reel, on the other side of the Fishing Rod) between your index finger and third finger. Your thumb should be on the button of the Fishing Reel.
- Using your thumb, push the button and do not release it yet. In the likely event that you release it immediately, turn the reel handle to re-engage the Fishing Reel. Take note that there should be around six inches of the Fishing Line from the tip of your Fishing Rod to your Fishing Lure or Fishing Bait. Then push the button and keep it depressed.
- Take a look at your target and in a smooth movement, swing the Fishing Rod up and down. Bend your arm around 90° at the elbow. Do not rotate your shoulder so that your arm is located behind you. Raise your wrist to bring back the Fishing Rod.
- Sharply bring the Fishing Rod forward. Release the button only if the tip of the Fishing Rod is pointing above the target at an angle of around 45°. The Fishing Lure should shoot out toward your target.
- When your Fishing Lure already hits your target, turn the reel handle clockwise to engage the Fishing Reel.
This is the basic Spincasting motion. When the time comes that you are already getting used to it, you will learn that you can slow down the outflow of the Fishing Line with your fingers and the palm of your hand holding the Fishing Rod. This will allow you to shoot the Fishing Lure close to the target, and not completely missing it.
Spinning is harder to master compared to Spincasting. But it will be worth your effort since Spinning allows you for more accurate casting. You can also change line spools on the water if you want. This enables you to switch from a lighter Fishing Line to a heavier one at that moment. With your rod and Spinning Reel, follow these easy steps:
- Hold the rod and Spinning Reel on the bottom. The Fishing Reel foot should fit between your second and third fingers. If you are not comfortable with it, put it between your index and second fingers, or between your third and fourth fingers.
- Reel in about six inches of Fishing Line between the tip of your Fishing Rod and the Fishing Lure by turning the reel handle clockwise. Reel in a little less or a little more until the line pick-up mechanism on the bail is on top of the Spinning Reel.
- Extend your index finger and hold the Fishing Line that comes out of the Fishing Reel.
- Point the tip of your Fishing Rod at your target and swing it up and then back behind you, to a point immediately past vertical. Raise your wrist to have the angle- your arm should not be positioned behind your shoulder. Swing the Fishing Rod sharply to the front. At this point, the Fishing Rod should flex so it provides power to the cast.
- When the Fishing Rod is already at an angle of around 45° above the target, release the Fishing Line by straightening your index finger.
- When your Fishing Lure hits your target, turn the reel handle to close the bail and engage the Spinning Reel.
Take note that you need to straighten your index finger and release the Fishing Line at the right moment. Releasing it too early will send your Fishing Lure upward, and if you release it too late, it will splash down on your feet.
Baitcasting is by far the most challenging, but it can provide a really accurate casting. That is why expert anglers do this when situations call for it. Here are the basic steps:
· Locate the Baitcasting Reel spool's brake or the anti-backlash device located on the reel housing. Adjust it in such manner that the Fishing Lure slowly drops to the ground when the Baitcasting Reel is in the freespool mode, and when the Fishing Lure stops moving, the spool also stops turning.
· Hold the rod with the Baitcasting Reel above. There should be around six inches of Fishing Line hanging from the tip of the baitcasting rod. Firmly place your thumb on the spool and puch the button to put the Baitcasting Reel in the freespool manner.
· Turn your hand holding the rod 90°. Your knuckles should be facing up. Point the tip of your rod at your target.
· Keep your elbow at the side of your body. Bend your wrist to place the tip of the rod up and back over your shoulder to a point past vertical.
· In a snapping motion, bring the rod forward, bending your wrist. At this time, the upper portion of the rod should bend.
· While the rod springs forward, simultaneously release your thumb from the spool. Do this when the Fishing Lure flies at a relatively low and slightly curved trajectory and when it is at its highest momentum toward your target.
· When the Fishing Lure is already near the target, put a "featherlike" pressure on the spool. Then slowly increase the pressure as the Fishing Lure gets nearer and nearer your target. When the Fishing Lure finally hits your target, thumb the spool to a stop.
· Turn the reel handle clockwise to engage the Baitcasting Reel.
In Baitcasting, it is important to learn the right amount of pressure to put on the spool and when to apply it. Right timing is very crucial for a successful cast. In this case, practice makes it perfect.
Fishing Reel Buying Guide - How to Buy Fishing Reels
Nowadays, there are so many kinds of Fishing Reels commercially available. Just imagine the amount of time you will likely to spend just finding the right Fishing Reel. But you can narrow down your choices by determining beforehand the main features and components. This way, you will be able to compare and contrast each kind. You must also consider your level of skill, the water where you will be fishing, and what species you are after.
Here are some guidelines in buying the appropriate Fishing Reel:
- Choose the type of Fishing Reel. Discussed in previous sections are the three basic types of Fishing Reels- Spinning Reel, Spincasting Reel, and Baitcasting Reel. If you have already decided on the type of Fishing Reel, make it a point that you are comfortable with it.
- Check the gear ratio. This refers to the number of revolutions made by the spool at each complete turn of the reel handle. Fishing Reels with high gear ratios work best when you need to quickly retrieve the Fishing Lure back to you. On the other hand, Fishing Reels with lower gear ratios are suitable for bottom fishing and trolling because of their greater cranking ability.
- In the case of Spinning Reels, turn the reel handle and check if it runs smoothly. If you notice a wobble, there is a problem in balance and stability. Better Spinning Reels have counter-balanced handles which are easy to use and operates smoothly.
- For Baitcasting Reels and some large Spinning Reels, take note of the level wind mechanism. This feature automatically assures you that when you retrieve the Fishing Line, it is distributed uniformly on the spool. Some level mechanisms are longer-lasting than others.
There are many factors to consider in buying for the right Fishing Reel. Buy the one that meets your specific requirements and will not let you fail when fishing.
Fishing Reels come in different features, characterisatics, and types. Sensibly enough, each Fishing Reel Type has its own application. Likewise, there are points to consider when buying one. Knowing these information will help you a lot in choosing the Fishing Reel that is suitable to your Fishing needs.
Diposting oleh Serena Fishing Club di 23.50 0 komentar
Fishing Line
A Fishing Line is another essential piece of equipment that plays a big role in Fishing. It is the cord connecting the Fish Hook to the Fishing Rod and Fishing Reel. Choosing the right kind of Fishing Line is as important as buying the appropriate Fishing Rods and Fishing Reels. The type of water where you will be fishing and the species which are probably living there must also be taken into consideration. Fishing Lines are commercially available in spools and vary in lengths, depending on how long you want your Fishing Line to be. In this section, we will look into the features and types of Fishing Lines as well as their applications:
Just like any other piece of equipment in Fishing, Fishing Lines have various characteristics, and you need to know them so that you can pick the one which is suitable to the water where you will be fishing and to the fish you are after. Some of these characteristics include the weights, colors, and the stiffness or limpness of Fishing Lines.
This section can help you decide on the type of Fishing Line that you need. Here are some pointers:
Fishing Line Weights
With the exception of fly lines, knowing the strength of the Fishing Line is another important thing to consider, unless you want to end up loosing the fish you are after because of a broken Fishing Line. A test called the pound test indicates the number of pounds a Fishing Line will be able to hold before it breaks away. For example, a 6-pound-test line can carry approximately six pounds of load. In essence, if a Fishing Line has a higher pound test, it has a thicker diameter, and the Fishing Line is stronger. But bear in mind that you must suit your Fishing Line to what fish you are after and the size of your spool on the Fishing Reel.
Fishing Line Colors
There are instances where you need to see the Fishing Line, and sometimes, you do not want the fish to see it. This can be resolved by using the right color of the Fishing Line. Sunlight illuminates clear or blue fluorescent Fishing Lines so they are easy to see when you are casting and retrieving. Moss green Fishing Lines blend well on waters with heavy vegetation or algae, while coffee Fishing Lines work well in fishing in muddy waters.
Fishing Line Stiffness or Limpness
Fishing Lines also vary on stiffness or limpness. Generally, the bigger the diameter, the stiffer your Fishing Line is, and stiffness usually adds strength to the Fishing Line. Thus, if the Fishing Line is stronger, then it is also stiffer. On the other hand, limper Fishing Lines are more sensitive, and work well in catching small fish. But they may have too much stretch. When a fish hits your Fishing Lure or Fishing Bait, a limper Fishing Line pulls very easily and your Fishing Line will likely to break.
Take note of these characteristics so that you can narrow down your selection of Fishing Lines.
There are many types of Fishing Lines available on the market nowadyas. Some of these are: nylon monofilament, braided, and multifilament. It really depends on what kind of Fishing Line you need and want to have. Here are the advantages and the drawbacks of each type of Fishing Line:
Nylon monofilament Fishing Line
The most commonly used Fishing Line is the nylon monofilament. It is translucent, generally cheap, and is available in all pound-test kinds. It also comes in different colors- white, green, blue, clear, and fluorescent. One good thing about monofilaments is that because it is translucent, monofilament is almost invisible to the fish. Also, it is easy to handle and casting with this Fishing Line can be easy as well. It can be used on Spinning Reels, Spincasting Reels, and Baitcasting Reels. But on the other side, it is not advisable to use a monofilament when you are fishing for deepwater fish, since it can absorb water, resulting to loose knots, and its sensitivity can decrease when it is wet. Monofilaments can also weaken when exposed to heat and sun. Worse is, monofilaments have "memory". This means that they keep their shape if they are stored for some time. In other words, a monofilament stored in a spool for quite a long time will likely to come off the Fishing Reel in coils or loops. Replace your monofilaments at least after every season, depending on how often you fish.
Braided Fishing Line
In relation to its diameter, a braided Fishing Line is the strongest Fishing Line available. It is used mostly for long-line Fishing like deep trolling. Unlike a nylon monofilament, braided Fishing Line absorbs less water, so its great sensitivity remained the same even when wet. It also has no memory, so you do not have to worry about coils. It does not easily weaken due to sunlight. Braided Fishing Lines are resistant to abrasion. However, they are so tough that they can cause abrasion to other things like your hands, Fishing Rod, and Fishing Reel. Likewise, braided Fishing Line is opaque. That is why fish can see it and move away. Some attach a monofilament at the end of the braided Fishing Line to serve as a leader and to reduce the high visibility of the braided Fishing Line.
Multifilament Fishing Line
Multifilaments are probably the newest lines commercially available for Fishing enthusiasts. They are similar to braided Dacron in terms of sensitivity. A multifilament's stretch is very little and this Fishing Line is made up of polyethylene strands which, by weight, are around five to 10 times sturdier as compared to steel. This Fishing Line is excellent when used on conventional and Baitcasting Reels, especially when you are after a larger fish. Sounds great? Yes, these characteristics make multifilaments better than monofilaments or braided Dacron. But a multifilament is far more expensive than its equivalent on monofilaments. Being so thin, just imagine the amount of multifilament you need in order to fill the spool of a reel.
Knowing the types of Fishing Lines as well as their benefits and drawbacks will definitely help you in determining the appropriate Fishing Line. Just bear these in mind before going to the tackle shop.
Just like in buying for a Fishing Rod and Fishing Reel, buying a Fishing Line entails a lot of considerations. For one, you have to determine where you will be fishing and the type of fish you are after. Moreover, it is important that you know the Characteristics of Fishing Lines. Pay attention to the diameter, color, and stiffness or limpness of the Fishing Lines.
- Determine beforehand the kind of Fishing Rod and Fishing Reel that you have. This is necessary because these and the Fishing Line work hand in hand so all of them must be compatible. For instance, choose a thin Fishing Line if you will use a Spinning Reel or Spincasting Reel. Find the kind of Fishing Line which is suitable to your Fishing Tackle.
- Determine the test strength of the Fishing Lines. As a novice, choose a Fishing Line which will meet the size of the fish you are after. If you are not yet sure, pick a heavier Fishing Line. Fishing Lines with smaller diameter and lower pound test are better used with Spinning or Spincasting Reels. When fishing in saltwater, use a Fishing Line with 10-pound test or heavier with a Baitcasting Reel.
- Most top Fishing Lines provide good resistance to abrasion. Look for a Fishing Line that can endure scratches, deterioration, or wear and tear due to frequent casting and use.
- The color of the Fishing Line will be very important when fishing. Make sure that you will be able to see your Fishing Line when situations call for it, or it should remain invisible to the fish.
- Check its stiffness or limpness. Typically, if the Fishing Line has a larger diameter, it is more firm. Stiffer Fishing Line works well on Baitcasting Reels. On the other hand, many limper Fishing Lines are manufactured for some types of Fishing Reels for easier casting and for some open Fishing areas with structures such as trees which can be a problem while fishing.
There are many things to ponder about as far as buying a Fishing Line is concerned. Purchase a premium Fishing Line which meets your needs. You will soon realize the fact that it is worth-spending for.
Like any other Fishing equipment, you need to consider a lot of things when it comes to choosing the appropriate Fishing Lines. They vary in characteristics, types, and applications for different Fishing situations. Take a look at the Fishing Line Buying Guide to narrow down your vast selection
Diposting oleh Serena Fishing Club di 23.49 0 komentar
Selasa, 15 Juli 2008
Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods
A Fishing Rod is a light, long, and slender pole. It is where the Fishing Line and Fishing Reel are attached. The purpose of a Fishing Rod is for you to place the Fishing Lure or Fishing Bait at a farther distance from where you are. Likewise, the fish you are after might break your Fishing Line if you do not have the right Fishing Rod. Obviously, this equipment plays a great role in Fishing so it is important that you have ideas on all there is to know about it. In this section, we will take a look at the different aspects of Fishing Rods.
Fishing Rods - Composition and Materials
It is necessary to determine the composition, construction, and the quality of your Fishing Rod. Fiber-reinforced composites, such as carbon fibers, are used in making Fishing Rods, Tent Poles, and other sports goods. Some of the benefits of using fiber-reinforced composites are reduction in weight and design flexibility. Nowadays, Fishing Rods are usually made up of graphite, fiberglass, or composite. Both of them are great substances, since the rods made from any of these two are straight when not in use, bend upon applying pressure, and are not heavy.
- Graphite Fishing Rods
Are very light and provide the highest level of sensitivity. They work best if you are after species which hit lightly because graphite Fishing Rods can easily detect subtle bites and pick-ups. Though they are extremely light and highly sensitive, graphite Fishing Rods tend to be more fragile than fiberglass or composite Fishing Rods. - Composite Fishing Rods
Are the combination of graphite and fiberglass so these types of Fishing Rods have approximately the features of both substances. Composite Fishing Rods are sensitive, long-lasting, and lightweight. They can be used for different Fishing situations. - Fiberglass Fishing Rods
Are tougher and more long-lasting but less sensitive compared to graphite Fishing Rods. They can be with tubular or solid rod blanks. Tubular types have hollow cores so they are lighter than solid fiberglass Fishing Rods. Compared to tubular Fishing Rods, solid fiberglass Fishing Rods are heavier but they are stronger and more durable. - Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the materials that Fishing Rods are usually made of can dramatically narrow down your selection of Fishing Rods and choose the one
Fishing Rods-Features and Characteristics
You also need to consider the various characteristics of Fishing Rods. Some of these are the actions of Fishing Rods, the weights, and their lengths. You will be able to determine the appropriate Fishing Rod you need by getting familiar with these basic features. Here are the guidelines:
Fishing Rod Actions
A rod's action determines its flexibility. There are four action types in Fishing Rods. These are: extra fast, fast, moderate, and slow. Fast-action and slow-action rods have their own unique characteristics. A fast-action rod is more sensitive compared to a slow-action Fishing Rod. Likewise, the angler will be able to know if his lure is already reaching the bottom because a fast-action rod can send out the lure's vibrations. On the other hand, a soft cast is possible using a slow-action rod, unlike a fast-action rod wherein it may break the bait off. If you are using a very light Fishing Line, it is advisable to use a slow-action rod when casting a considerable amount of bait or lure.Fishing Rod Weights
A rod's weight indicates its strength. There are seven fundamental categories of rod weights: ultralight, light, medium light, medium, medium heavy, heavy, and extra heavy. Choosing the right Fishing Rod weight is not an easy task. But be guided by this rule: the right Fishing Rod's weight depends on how big and/or how heavy the lure you'll be using, and/or how big the fish you wish to catch is. In other words, the bigger the fish and/or the bigger or heavier the lure, the heavier the Fishing Rod you need. However, many Fishing Rod makers categorize rods based on what species they are made for, so buying the rod with the appropriate Fishing Rod weight becomes easier.Fishing Rod Lengths
The length of the Fishing Rod is also an important factor to consider. Basic physics principles will tell you that a longer Fishing Rod allows you to cast at a greater distance. This also affects your ability to fight against a fish. For instance, a shorter, thicker Fishing Rod will be able to provide better leverage for "pumping" a powerful kind of fish from deeper water.
Knowing the basic features and various characteristics of Fishing Rods can help you determine which type of Fishing Rod you can use for your Fishing needs.Fishing Rod Buying Guide
How to Buy Fishing RodsBefore heading to the tackle shop, you must first know the type of water in which you will fish as well as the type of fish that are likely living there. To make your choosing process hassle-free, it is advisable if you already have some general ideas on the different features and strengths of various kinds of Fishing Rods. If possible, bring someone along who has a good knowledge about Fishing and especially your Fishing needs.
Here are some tips in buying a Fishing Rod:- Test the grip of the Fishing Rod. Make sure that its handle fits comfortably on your palm.
- Choose the length of the Fishing Rod. Shorter Fishing Rods with lengths of 4 ½ to 6 feet will work well if you will use small Fishing Baits and if you are after small fish such as crappie and perch. Longer Fishing Rods, 6 ½ feet long or more, are for bigger Fishing Baits, bigger fish, and longer casting distance.
- Check its flexibility. Hold the Fishing Rod and move it as if you are casting, flip the end, then watch its tip for any movement.
- Test its sensitivity. Ask someone, a salesperson for instance, to put the tip of the Fishing Rod against his/her adam's apple or throat part and speak in a low, modulated voice. If that Fishing Rod has a good sensitivity, you should feelvibrations in your hand on the butt end of the Fishing Rod.
- Check a couple or more Fishing Rods for their sensitivity so you can narrow down your choices.Take note that a Fishing Rod with better sensitivity will create more hook-ups.
- Most tackle shops or sporting goods have experts who can help you in choosing the appropriate one. Think about the frequency of your Fishing trips, the type of water, and the kind of fish you are after, and ask the experts for advice.
- If you decide to buy a used Fishing Rod, make sure that there are no hairline cracks on the pole. For the test on flexibility, pay attention to any cracking sounds from the tip of the pole.
Invest on a high-quality Fishing Rod. You will soon find out that it is longer-lasting and will provide you with an excellent performance.
- suitable to your Fishing needs.
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Fishing Lures
Aside from Fishing Baits, Fishing Lures can also be alternatives in catching fish. A Fishing Lure is a decoy or bait, often an artificial one, which can emulate the color and/or actions of what a fish would tend to eat. When you visit a tackle shop, you will be taken aback on the very huge number of different Fishing Lures available. However, it does not actually mean that you need to have it all. You can spend hours and hours just looking at the vast selection of Fishing Lures and still not be able to decide on what to purchase. A possible scenario would be spending so much money on the different Fishing Lures that you think you need on your Fishing adventure.
Here is a fundamental assortment of Fishing Lures accessible in tackle shops:
Fishing Lures - Spinners
A Spinner is one kind of Fishing Lure that is available in numerous sizes. It can go from 1/12- ounce Spinners designed for panfish, to ½- ounce or bigger Spinners used when fishing muskies and pikes. Spinners can hook up all fish considered as predators, but Spinners work best if you are after trout.
Parts of a Spinner
The Spinner's bottom is made from a thin wire shaft with an eye, or a loop at the front. The Fishing Line is tied on the Spinner's eye. There is also a bigger loop at the back end of the Spinner. This is where the Fish Hook is fastened. Most anglers use treble Fish Hooks on their Spinners. You will find colored beads, metal cylinders, and/or small rings on the shaft of the Spinner. These things give weight and make the Spinner more attractive to fish. On top of the shaft is a clevis. This is a small device shaped like a letter C. A wire passes through both ends of the clevis. A flat, oblong piece of metal called a spinner blade is attached to a hole above the clevis.
Applications of Spinners
The spinner blade spins around the spinner at a very high-speed rate once you retrieve the spinner. This fast spin produces much flash as well as vibrations, making the fish attracted to the Fishing Lure. You can determine how fast a spinner blade rotates and how far it spins from the shaft through the various thicknesses and shapes of the spinner blades.
When you are fishing in still waters, an excellent choice would be a heavy, round spinner blade. This spins at a slow rate and it rotates very far away from the shaft, therefore increasing the water resistance. But if you fish in moving water, it is advisable to use a light, long, and thin spinner blade because it stays close to the shaft while spinning at a fast rate, thus, decreasing the water resistance.
Fishing Lures vary in features and types. Just take note that each has its own use/s. To be able to use the lures properly, make sure to consider the water conditions and the Fishing Variation that you do.
Fishing Lures - Spoons
Spoons, or Wobblers, are another kind of Fishing Lures shaped like our kitchen utensil but without the handle. They are called Wobblers because of their side-to-side movement when retrieved. Spoons cast precisely and without so much hassle. Although they easily sink to the bottom, they can be used on water of any depth. Spoons are an all-season Fishing Lure, and relatively, they are easy to use once you get familiar with their design and application.
For some manufacturers, spoons come in two basic shapes: wide-bodied and narrow, slab-shaped Spoons. Wide- bodied Spoons have a very good fluttering motion which can imitate a wounded baitfish while it gently sinks on the water. Slab-shaped models have slim bodies and smooth appearance.
Use small sizes such as ½ inch and 1/8 ounce Spoons for Fishing panfish and trout. If you are after walleyes, pickerel, or bass species, spoons in middle sizes are the good choice. When you are fishing for muskellunge or pikes, use the bigger models such as 4 ½ inch spoons.
Spoons can either be polished on each side, which can be gold or silver, or polished on one side and colored in another, which vary in patterns and hues. The purpose of which is to create a lot of flashes and reflection that resembles a troubled baitfish.
A type of Spoon has a single Fish Hook bound to the concave part of the Spoon, and the Fishing Line is tied on the eye of the Fish Hook attached. If this is not the case, there is a treble Fish Hook fastened to the small ring which goes through the hole at the rear end of the spoon. The Fishing Line is attached on the hole at the front part of the spoon.
Fishing Lures vary in features and types. Just take note that each has its own use/s. To be able to use the lures properly, make sure to consider the water conditions and the Fishing Variation that
Fishing Lures - Plugs
Plugs are minnow-shaped lures made of hard plastic or wood and emulate how baitfish moves in the water. They come in various sizes- from one inch to more than eight inches. Almost all Plugs have one, two, or even three treble hooks. Here are some basic types of Plugs:
Topwater Plug
As the name implies, a topwater plug, also called popper, always floats at rest and when you retrieve it. The way a topwater plug floats resembles the action of frogs or injured baitfish at the water surface. Also, it has a concave part at the front, which creates a fuss if you are retrieving it. These plugs are the excellent Fishing Lures when you are after largemouth bass. Topwater plugs are also most appropriate when fishing in still waters. Fishing will definitely be a fun activity with topwater plugs, that is, if you have the patience and determination to wait for the fish to hit the Plug. The fun part comes in when a fish starts to attack the topwater plug, partly rising out of the water, bangs it in the air, and swim after it once more.
FFloater-diver Plug
If a topwater plug floats both at rest and upon retrieving it, a floater-diver plug drifts at rest but lunges down the water when you are retrieving it. Shaped like a Minnow, a floater-diver plug has a lip, a device shaped like a ladle and made from metal or plastic. This makes it possible for the plug to dive, creating a commotion upon retrieval. Lip sizes also vary. If your floater-diver plug has a longer lip, it can dive deeper, compared to a plug with shorter lip. Like the topwater plugs, floater-diver plugs are excellent to use in calm waters.
Crankbaits are Plugs designed to dive at great depths. Some do not have lips, but those which have lips can dive for up to 20 feet. They create a vibrating movement, like that of a baitfish, upon retrieval. Crankbaits are usually used for Fishing bass species, trout, catfish, pickerel, northern pike, and walleyes.
Stickbait or Jerkbait
There is a type of Plug which does not have intrinsic movement. This is called a stickbait or jerkbait. Majority of these plugs are large, floating, and are intended for Fishing northern pike, muskellunge, and other large species.
Fishing Lures vary in features and types. Just take note that each has its own use/s. To be able to use the lures properly, make sure to consider the water conditions and the Fishing Variation that you do.
Diposting oleh Serena Fishing Club di 22.01 0 komentar
Fishing Tehniques
Saltwater Fishing Techniques
Fishing techniques on the sea surface using artificial lures such as poppers or pencils. Bait is thrown to the water at a certain distance then pulled back. The bait will simulates fish baits movements, while producing water splash on the water surface. The boat will take drifting position. Targets for this kind of fishing are mostly pelagic fishes such as, giant trevally, rainbow runner, mahi-mahi, tuna etc. Tackle type is spinning.
Fishing techniques for specific depth using artificial lures (metal jig). Bait is lowered down at certain depth then pulled up; the bait will then simulates live bait movements as it goes to surface. Boat position is drifting. The jig weighted about 100 to 500 grams. Fishes targeted are demersal (bottom) fishes such as groupers, snappers, amberjacks, giant trevally or mid-water fishes including tunas, rainbow runner, etc. In jigging we use spinning type tackle or star drag.
Fishing technique at water surface using artificial lure or bait. Artificial lures could be kona head, soft head, minnow, feather, etc. We use live baits, arranged in the tackle using specific manner of attaching it. The boat, where the trolling term at certain speed, pulls bait. Fishes targeted for trolling are giant trevally, rainbow runner, mahi-mahi, tuna, skip jack, wahoo, Spanish mackerel, etc. In this case we use the heavy tackle type.
Bottom Fishing
This fishing techniques use to catch fishes in deep water using bait, such as: shrimp, fish baits, etc. Bait is lowered down to the sea bottom. Depth is varying according to target and location. Boat position is drafting or anchored. This technique is applied to catch demersal (bottom) fishes including, groupers, snappers, amberjack, giant trevally, etc. Light tackle type is used in bottom fishing.
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