species : Seriola Dumerili ( Risso,1810)
local Name :Kuwe Batu
local Name :Kuwe Batu
biology : Inhabitats deep seaward reefs; occasionally entering coastal bays. feeds primarily on fishes such as the bigeye scad, also feeds on invertebrates.
Small juveniles associate with floating plants or debris in oceanic and
offshore water. juveniles from small schools or solitary.utilized fresh and frozen; eaten pan-fried, broled and baked.reported to couse ciguatera in some areas.
Common name : Barracuda
Family : Sphyraenidae
Local name : Barakuda
Notes : Inhabits coastal waters and offshore reefs; distinguished by large size, dark or dusky fins, diffuse dark bars on back, frequently with scattered dark blotches on side and truncate tail
Small juveniles associate with floating plants or debris in oceanic and
offshore water. juveniles from small schools or solitary.utilized fresh and frozen; eaten pan-fried, broled and baked.reported to couse ciguatera in some areas.
Family : Sphyraenidae
Local name : Barakuda
Notes : Inhabits coastal waters and offshore reefs; distinguished by large size, dark or dusky fins, diffuse dark bars on back, frequently with scattered dark blotches on side and truncate tail
Common name : Bluefin Trevally
Species : Caranx melampygus (Cuvier, 1833)
Local name : Kuwe Sirip Biru
Environment : reef-associated; brackish; marine ; depth range 0 - 190 m
Local Name : Lemadang
Notes : In habitat coastal seas, frequently near surface
Common name : Dogtooth Tuna
Species :Gymnosarda unicolor (Rüppell, 1836)
Local name : Tuna Gigi Anjing
Enivironment :reef-associated; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range 0 - 100 m
OTHER NAME: White Marlin (Japan), Silver Marlin (Hawaii
SPECIES: Makaira Indica
SIZE: Maximum weight about 2,000 pounds
WORLD RECORD: 1,560 pounds
GAME QUALITIES: Very strong and exceptionally fast fish which can test not only the angler and tackle but the entire crew. Can sprint along the surface, then run deep which often causes the line to break due to water pressure
OTHER NAME : Indo-Pacific Sailfish, Spindlebeak, Pez Vela
SPECIES : Istiophorus Platypterus (Indo-pacific Sailfish), Istiophorus Albicans (Altantic Sailfish)
SIZE : Maximum weight 260 pounds (Indo-Pacific Sailfish)
WORLD RECORD : 221 pounds (Indo-Pacific Sailfish),141 pounds (Altantic Sailfish)
GAME QUALITIES : Spectacular acrobat that can spend more time in the air than in the water when hooked. Exceptionally fast fish that generally does not fight deep. Prime gamefish for fly or light tackle.
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