Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

Fishing hook

Fish Hooks are one of the most important pieces of equipment in Fishing. This is for the reason that the essence of Fishing boils down to the ability of hooking up a fish and successfully catching it. Therefore, you must not take Fish Hooks for granted. Fish Hooks come in many forms, sizes, and applications. Having enough knowledge of these factors and their advantages and disadvantages will help you in using Fish Hooks effectively. In this section, we will look at the Fish Hook Characteristics, tips on maintenance and application of Fish Hooks, and how to choose the appropriate Fish Hooks.

Fish Hooks – Characteristics

A Fish Hook has different fundamental parts. The eye is where the Fishing Line is attached. The sharp part of the Fish Hook pointing upward is called the point, and the little, sharp protrusion immediately below the point is termed as barb. This makes the Fish Hook to remain embedded in the fish. The gap is the distance from the point of the hook to the shank, or the straight part of the hook. If the Fish Hook is in upright position, the bend corresponds to its bottom part and the distance from the gap to the bend is called the throat.

Even Fish Hooks come in various forms, sizes, and applications. As always, it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of different Fish Hooks. There are numerous variations in Fish Hooks alone and it will be a great relief on your part if you can narrow down your selection of the appropriate one. All Fish Hooks have three basic characteristics - Fish Hook Sizes, Fish Hook Weights, and Fish Hook Styles.

Fish Hook Sizes

You will be able to know the Fish Hook size via the number designated to the hook. The Fish Hook size is determined by the hook's gap and the shank. Just be guided by this rule- a higher number corresponds to a smaller hook. Be reminded, though, that this way of designating numbers differs among the manufacturers. A Fish Hook can also either be long-shanked or short-shanked. This is represented by a number and a letter X. The number tells you how many sizes longer or shorter the shank is for the Fish Hook size. When it is a 2X Long hook, it only means that it has the same shank length as the Fish Hook that is two sizes larger. In choosing the correct Fish Hook size, consider the type of Fishing Bait you are using as well as the fish you want to catch. If you are after a bigger fish, it follows that you also need a larger Fish Hook. But do not purchase a hook that is way too big for your bait. It might frighten the fish away.

Fish Hook Weights

Like the hook size, a number followed by an X assigns the hook weight. For example, a 2X Fine hook means that the hook is similar in diameter to a hook that is smaller by one size. It can be fine wire or heavy wire. A fine-wire hook can go through the fish's mouth with ease. On the other hand, a heavy-wire hook can cling better to the fish, and it does not turn crooked as easily as a fine-wire hook.

Fish Hook Styles

Styles of the hooks vary, depending on the kind of features it has. For instance, the eye of the fish hook can be turned up, or turned down. Likewise, Fish Hooks can also be weedless, double hooks, or treble hooks.
The eye is turned up when it is inclined away from the hook's point. A hook with this kind of eye is believed to give more space between the shank and the point. This applies well to hooks which are relatively small.
If the hook eye is inclined toward the point, that hook has a turned down eye. This makes easy penetration possible due to the better angle formed from the hook's point to your Fishing Line.

Another style of a Fish Hook is the weedless hook. It has one or more thin wires attached from the hook eye to the point. But these wires are flexible in such a way that they will curve inward once a fish hits the fish hook. The weedless hook is called as such because it prevents the weeds from hitching on the fish hook.
If your fish hook has two points, then it is called a double hook. This hook will be very handy especially if you decide to go fishing in saltwater.
When your hook has one eye and shank with three points, it is termed as treble hook.
Both the double and treble hooks provide a better chance of hooking up the fish. The downside can be the fact that these hooks will not fit to the mouths of smaller fish. Moreover, if you get lucky of catching a fish, getting the fish from the hook can be tough.

Determine these basic characteristics and choose the Fish Hooks which meet your requirements.

Fish Hooks - Care and Maintenance

A Fish Hook is a very essential piece in your Fishing Tackle. As the name implies, its main function is to hook up the fish through its mouth or throat. With a purpose as vital as this, it follows that you must know how to use your Fish Hooks. Here are some points to consider:

  • Maintain sharp Fish Hooks. Obviously, the sharper the point of the Fish Hook, the easier it is to be embedded in the fish's mouth. If the Fish Hook does not penetrate in the fish, there is a big chance that it can get away.
  • Position the hook firmly. When you feel that the fish hit your bait or lure, haul up your Fishing Rod rapidly and try not to have limpness in the Fishing Line in order for the hook to penetrate deeply in the fish.
  • Having a tight Fishing Line is necessary. Achieving a good hookset is not enough indication that you will be able to catch the fish. Most of the time, a fish can still get away from the hook by swimming in different directions. Make sure that you keep a tight Fishing Line to prevent the fish from breaking the hookset.

Make sure to pay attention to your Fish Hooks. They are very important in Fishing so do not take them for granted.

Fish Hook Buying Guide - How to Buy Fish Hooks

The world of Fish Hooks alone is so large and apparently there is no such thing as the perfect Fish Hook for Fishing. This is because a lot of factors are involved in choosing the appropriate one. You need to take a number of considerations and getting yourself familiar with the different Fish Hook Characteristics is probably the best method in narrowing down your selection.

The following are some pointers in purchasing Fish Hooks:

  • Check what type of eye a Fish Hook has. Though there appears to be little to recommend one over the others, Fish Hooks with turned down eyes are the most suitable, while those with straight eyes are seldom used.
  • Take into consideration the variety of sizes of the shanks of Fish Hooks. Long shanks are useful for Fishing Baits such as worms or prawns which are threaded onto the Fish Hooks, and they are generally easier to remove from the fish you have caught. On the other side, Fish Hooks with short shanks can be easily hidden in the Fishing Bait. They are normally used to most types of Bait Fishing.
  • The thickness of Fish Hooks is also an important thing to consider. Sensibly enough, a thin Fish Hook will penetrate more easily to the fish compared to a thick Fish Hook.
  • Make sure that the points of the Fishing Hooks are sharp. To check if the Fish Hook is sharp, lightly run the point across your thumbnail. If it leaves some trace or scratch, then your Fish Hook is sharp. Likewise, points need not to be thin and long. They can be short and smooth so the barb can quickly penetrate and hold easily.

Your purpose is to securely catch fish as quickly and with as little effort as possible. Therefore, see to it that the Fish Hooks meet your requirements before you pay for them.

As mentioned before, Fishing generally boils down to your capability to successfully catch the fish by securely hooking the fish on your Fish Hook. Thus, make sure that you have the suitable Fish Hooks whenever you go on your Fishing trip. Since there are a lot of different forms of Fish Hooks, get yourself familiar with their characteristics. Doing so will make the process of choosing the appropriate ones much easier.

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